Diagram Designer 1.21

Customizable template object palette. Spellchecker (see below about dictionaries). Import/export WMF, EMF, BMP, JPEG, PNG, MNG, ICO, GIF and PCX images. Slide show viewer. Simple graph plotter to plot mathematical expressions. Advanced “pocket” calculator with equation solver. MeeSoft Image Analyzer integration for bitmap image editing and extended file format support. Uses compressed file format for…


Les diffrents café et leurs configuration

Espresso[ess-press-oh] Espresso Macchiato[ess-press-oh mock-e-ah-toe] Espresso con Panna[ess-press-oh kon pawn-nah] Caffé Latte[caf-ay lah-tey] Flat White Cafe Breve[caf-ay brev-ay] Cappuccino[kapp-oo-chee-noh] Caffé Mocha[caf-ay moh-kuh] Americano[uh-mer-i-kan-oh] About the Diagrams I gathered most of my information from Wikipedia and tidbits from other online Coffee Drinks Illustrated « Lokesh Dhakar
