16-09-2013 DATA & VIZ Hot next week : d3.js & city By @swissnexsf #SanFrancisco during @okcon #Geneva #Opendata

Source : d3.js and the city Get to know d3 – the shortest way of converting data into stunning #interactive #visualizations and see how d3 is enabling new kinds of visualizations about our #urban surroundings! We are excited to have members of the winning teams of the 2013 #Urban Data Challenge tell us about how they used d3.js…

Lift Workshop @ Data Visualization Course | Lift conference, what can the future do for you?

We have the pleasure to host a course about “Data Visualization” in Geneva with Benjamin Wiederkehr, wholeheartedly passionate about making things understandable, partner at Interactive Things and Editor at Datavisualization.ch via Lift Workshop @ Data Visualization Course | Lift conference, what can the future do for you?. NDLR : J’ai loupé dommage …